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  1. whats your goal in building this base, I believe this is a Farming base cause your storages arent exactly defending a building, (storages are tanking lots, which can also aid in filling up space for a funnel or just taking up time for units that dont target anything.) But this is formatted as a war base.

    Here’s some specific advice:

    You got spacing in your mind, but its really odd. (Spaces inside walls are compartments) The idea for a compartment is usually so that when one enters there, there are some accessible buildings and some none. Most of the time we have to think about queen but if this isnt a war base then it significantly drops the level of intelligence this player is going to be attacking. But besides the fact one wont use a queen walk, you’re very susceptible to ground attacks, if they enter any area they can access almsot everything since there’s nothing close it off. (Xbow area is very large, and the middle section is long and narrow which lets golem attackers get in with ease.) I can see you’re using this but traditionally they’re spaced out to be used as a anti 3 star.

    Lastly you’re also weak to air, your Air defenses are outside, and can easily be killed by a few well placed dragons, I know we said the Intelligence would drop but we gotta think about the minority as well) and the middle one can just be zapped. The only things that youre destroying is a laloon player, but sadly there arent too many of those using it to farm.

    Ok heres the general advice:

    Storages are not the focus on anti 3 star, theres a couple types, farm, trophy, war, hybrid (farm trophy) I dont know how to do trophy or farm, I only got my degree in war (lol) but since you’re striving for that I can talk about it. STORAGES, are used as a tank as Ive said, this means they are expertly placed around a few targeting defenses, your goal is the same but your storages are defending nothing, your defenses are outside and arent being utilized when your collectors should be a little outward. They dont hold much loot, and usually one should have a shield before going to bed.

    Archer Towers and cannons should be placed together not separated, you need air and ground power everywhere.

    All traps should be placed where an enemy would be going through. Between buildings, in ting spaces in compartments.

    Thats about it for the basics, there’s more in depth, but thats fundamentally all you need for a successful base. It’s very difficult to get into base builiding since its so complicated, if your hearts set on it go to a base building server, but getting a base from the internet is ok as well, those work fairly well.

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