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  1. Hey clasher, typing out tags in brackets is no longer required. We have moved to a flair only system, as well as changed the available flairs. You can check out the announcement post [here]( and find more information on the [wiki]( This is not a removal message, just a reminder for next time.

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  2. Let’s hope he has good animations like pirate warden, we also thought that skin sucked when we first saw it

  3. It looks so janky, i feel like the clash community should be involved with the skins if they are gonna cater the gold pass to us. Like a few polls up on their tabs. Minecraft also did this with their update and i get it doing it monthly might not be viable but let us choose a theme, give us a general idea what it might look like, these feel half asses and just whatever. I hope this has ATLEAST a few good animations to somewhat make it up for a pretty poor skin.

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