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![[HUMOR] All that boost gone](https://www.clashofclanshacksadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/wp-header-logo-941.png)
[HUMOR] All that boost gone

made another post earlier about maxing my queen, and i know it’s not as fun or impressive but i also maxed my king at th9

when your clan mates slack so you have to take things into your own hands

Spread Out (anti-funnel) or compact war base design?

This is my first attack after a year and I have never been a good attacker. Any tips/hints about this attack or just in general?
not a glitch when locked onto a target it will attack regardless of how far it goes
This is not exactly a glitch…more of an oddity.
The in-game targeting rings we see for things (defenses, heroes, troops)- they are just that: targeting rings. Once locked on to a target, a defense or hero or troop can attack to outside the ring if the locked-on target moves outside it.
This is why we see things like the vid you posted. This also why a defending hero can lock onto a troop and follow it well outside its defined range if necessary. This is why we can see a troop on the inner perimeter of eagle artillery get locked on to then step inside the minimum distance ring and still get hit by the incoming shot. This is why we can see troops on the outer perimeter of xbow range step well outside the xbow’s range and still take damage from the incoming shot.
The rings we see – those are for targeting. They only affect target acquisition, not actual range of the weapon. It’s just a very common coincidence that the targeting range is usually the practical distance of the weapon because 99% of the time that’s how it plays out.