[MISC] Hey, Im kinda new to the game and need some help with my base defense, I get 3 Stared really quickly and easily, also need an advice about attacking strategy because Im really awful in attacking

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  1. Its almost impossible to avoid getting 3 stared in townhall 5 unless you have really nice clan castle stuff like u/The_Noob_55443 said. For attacking though, use ballons. If I remember right, they were really OP back when I was th 5. If you are against another th5, first take out their wizrd tower and air defence, and then easy 3 star. For example, if Im attacking your vase, I would deply ballons just at the entrance of the barracks on the right, as well as the cannon on the upper left to priortize your wizard tower and air defence. After that, I can easily 3 star you. Hope this helps.

  2. In lower levels like under th8 it’s almost always guaranteed that you’ll get 3 stared. Don’t worry about it. The only instance where you won’t get 3 stared is when you have a good cc troop.

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