[MISC] Building Value Scoring Chart?

Is there a scoring anywhere on the value certain buildings have, or the average damage a building does on defence?
In Chess we know that the queen is worth 9, rook 5, bishop 3, etc.

It would be really interesting to see some kind of value proposition for CoC defenses.

EG Multi infernos have higher DPS, but Xbows have longer range so do their damage in a defence attempt for longer…

We could maybe see that in a CWL defence:
Inferno typically does 10,000hp
Xbow does 8,500hp
Each canon does 2,000hp

Then you could assign a quality/importance score to each defence

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  1. I have not heard of one existing yet. Maybe propose one? Keeping track of both the defensive HP and offensive DPS with one number might be difficult.

    I had been thinking about something kind of related because I have an event account (it’s a six month race of new accounts with monthly friendly wars) where I will be doing some kind of calculation to determine what the best bang for my buck is, in terms of defense upgrades per unit of builder time. So e.g. is it better to upgrade an xbow for 7 days or to upgrade a whole bunch of archer towers 1 day each. When the upgrade time is short it will probably make sense to do the short upgrades, but it becomes an open question when you consider if it makes sense to upgrade to th12 or th13 vs just dumping all of that builder time into intermediate defense levels.

  2. I guess the value depends on the army comp u using, but a simple understanding would be same as it goes by th


    AQ value depends on her lvl

    Cc depends too..

    If ur using air troops than cannon is 0 value.. it all depends

  3. There have been numerous calculators to determine effectiveness vs. weight of defense and offense. Most were based on a raw data dump from in game values. Most were wrong. There was one that was very accurate but that was a long time ago. Most of the long win streak clans could help if they wanted to share, but they haven’t wanted to.

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