[MISC] Whats your least favorite townhall?
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13, its never felt balanced defensively or particularly challenging. 3 stars come way too easy for it being the highest level of the game. The entire game has shifted that way, but it makes me hate th13 more than the rest.
Well i dont really like th9 not because it’s hard just is meh not really kinda interesting th level to get stuck with 30 lvl of queen to do and i think 8 or below is most voted just because people think is a low level not really interesting but it’s ok
Th10 with low level heroes when you couldn’t heal through the ITs.
Th7 due to how ridiculous zap dragons is
Why are people going th8 or below, it literally takes you half a year to max upto th8 from starting, in fact it’s the easiest part of game
Th1. Progression is way too quick down there.
i’d personally say th 10 cause in my case all my walls are maxed so i’ve completely full of elixir this whole gold pass
8 or below cause kids in this reddit dont have th13 lmaooo