[Strategy] What is a attack/war strat for TH10 thats easy to learn and effective?
I admit that I’m a dragon spammer but I want to change.
Which strategies is easy to learn, and effective when done right (guaranteed 3 stars)?
I prefer something that doesn’t rely on heroes too much to because my queen is down 24/7.
This is the thing.
You practically need queen at th9+ to do any war attacks (if someone would like to correct me pls do, but I think this is true afaik). Usually, if you have been focusing heroes and offence, there’s a reasonable chunk of time at the end of each TH where you can have the queen up (regardless of BK) to practice attacking strats (presumably you have builders left working on defences… maybe walls).
Instead of trying to do half assed (imho, don’t take it personally) war attacks while upgrading – read/watch and try to really understand the content already out there. It takes effort, but then again, you want to be a cut above the rest. It also means you get plenty of time while upgrading to learn. Honestly, you have to be a little academic about the way you consume that content, it really ain’t something to do while sucking noodles (okay, maybe it is, but … you know what I mean xD)
Good luck
I learnt electrone Lalo and QC Hybrid at th10 from Clash With Eric, here’s a link:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf7G7ZPoBfOyCkgW5lWjMLGnuT8pwJ4V1
Ur going to need the queen to do well with any strategy. I always recommend hybrid since it’s also effective at higher town halls and it practices many important aspects of attacking like queen charging, funneling, and base identification.
If you’re gonna do ground attack without queen then witches are the way to go. They can target air+ground , have good range. Ideally frozen witches , with less number of freezes , may be extra rage or heal. Or you can do Bo-witch spam with golems and giants as tanks.
I’ve done a lot of witches at th10, few times without any heroes. unless it was a well built war base usually ended up a triple or high % hit. I mean right now th10s aren’t that tough if you can get max reinforcements from clan mates.
GoValk, I take 2 golems 15 valkyries 13 wiz 4 wb’s and wall wrecker with 3 valks and anything else