[META] What is your opinion about memes in this sub?

Comes up once in a while. The no. of recurrent memes have decreased a lot in the past month, thanks to the new mods. Just wanted to know what is the majority opinion of fellow Clashers about it.

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  1. I never look at them. I instantly downvote the vast majority even though I know it doesn’t matter as they will all get a huge amount of upvotes. Memes are the lowest common denominator of “discussion” or content but sadly that seems to be 95% of social media. This sub has for the most part been a joke for a couple of years content wise with memes and other low quality content taking over and the mods refusing to do anything about it for whatever reason.

    Any given day I know I’ll be logging in and seeing at least,

    – 1 recycled Drake meme
    – 1 muscle and tiny dog meme
    – 1 Vince Macmahon meme
    – 2 to 3 posts titled “It do be like that”
    – 1 or 2 memes with Spongebob characters

    I wish this sub would follow the same route many, many other gaming or fan subs take and only allow them one or a few days a week. I know banning them all would never work for multiple reasons so I feel having a designated time would be win-win.

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