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I heard y’all like X-Mas trees
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[IDEA] Builder base purpose as a supplement for main base
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I indeed dont get it :c
Does it have global chat???I dont get it
Oh norsk :c good old times. I miss chatting with strangers
For those who don’t understand this meme: back when Global existed in CoC if you would change your language settings to Norsk you would often meet high leveled players, I mean the entire global would be full of em. It was also a spot for the YouTube clashers / leaderboard trophy pushers (when leaderboards were actually competitive) to communicate with one another, share strategies, have fun and simple banter, and possibly recruit very strong players. I once met Jorge Yao on a Norsk global, he complimented my Xmas trees as the chat was spammed with everyone trying to talk to him.
Anyone remember when we were all mad at Chief Pat for exposing Norsk to the internet? Now look at us, can only talk to our clan mates…
Happy Holidays Everyone
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