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My TH10 Is maxed. Like all walls, defense, traps upgraded. Only king and few troops and spell left (pic below). King will be 37 in 3 days. (Got 2 books so have to use one). So should i upgrade to th11? Or should i max each and every spell? Currently clone spell is upgrading to level 3.
Walking Tiddles. 😺 [Art]
We dominated clan games in April 2021.
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I dont understand… Does this mean super wallbreaker produce more damage when he is killed? Or 213 death damage in addition to the exploding damage? And what is the difference in damage produced between a normal and super wallbreaker? Both have the same damage stats
4 super wizard and minions to tank the scattershot combined with 1 rage and 4 invisibility spells will smash the hole core of the base