[Ask] Using as donations account-work in progress. What should I upgrade next? I’m unlocking edrags in 5 days

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  1. I’m creating one myself. I focus on having a drag army at a decent level for raids. And for upgrades, I’m prioritising seige machines. On 2nd priority I have hogs, then edrag, freeze, jump, gobs.

  2. Definitely unlock yetis because they will donate to max in a level 10+ clan.

    In seige machine the battle blimp and stone slammer you must unlock while taking each sm to level 2 so they too will donate at max in a level 10+ clan.

    In spells priority on poison and freeze.

    In terms of a donation troop get your loons up a level and your gobs up a level so you can donate max loons and sneaky gobs in a level 10+ clan.

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