[ASK] On the right, are presents naturally spawned by the 2014 Xmas Tree that Ive kept all these years. And on the left, are presents given by Santa after an attacker used his spell. What now?

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  1. So basically, title.

    I had an attacker use a few Santa spells to try and take out my Inferno Tower (failed) and now I’m worried that if I collect the left-side presents, it will automatically collect the right-side presents as well. Which sucks big time since I’ve had them for 6ish years now.

    Hopefully someone with a similar experience can chime in and (hopefully) tell me I’m wrong >//<

    What a pickle.. :/


    >why not just keep them?

    I’m going to be TH11 soon and will have to change my current base.

    >what’s your current base?

    It’s a YouTube base that I did some modifications on. Have yet to be 3-starred by another Th10 in regular attacks. Also won a bunch of defenses so I think it’s pretty good. (just wanna flex it :p)

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