[Guide] Steps to recovering a lost or banned account.
**Gather information.**
– During the recovery process, you will be asked some combination of the below questions, it is best to have it available before contacting support. Its a good idea for all players to maintain records of this information as well.
– Account name, player tag, and clan it was last in. This will allow support to locate the account, then you will be asked the following –
– Date you began playing. This can be obtained through your app store purchase history (downloading the app for the first time counts as a free purchase) or through the games achievements since you earn some during the tutorial.
– List of the devices you first played on, and have played on since then.
– Location you first started playing.
– Email associated with the account/supercell ID.
– Receipts for any gem purchases. Check your email, or obtain through your app store purchase history.
– Previous names of the account.
**Create a brand new account, play through the tutorial and upgrade to TH3**
* DO NOT contact support through an established account, or enlist the help of a friend to contact support for you. [Supercell treats this as phishing](https://help.supercellsupport.com/clash-of-clans/en/articles/how-can-i-keep-my-account-safe.html) and will likely ban the account if you get any of the recovery questions wrong.
* Contact supercell support in game through Settings > Help & Support > Contact Us.
* It might take a while to get through to a real person. Some people report it helps to change your language to Suomi/Portuguese to contact support initially, use google translate to help.
**Have an email address ready to provide to supercell support to link to your account (if applicable)**
**Protect your newly recovered account**
– Do not share any of the information used for recovery or the email address you have the account linked to for Supercell ID. Enable 2FA for the email address as well.
Recovering an account can be a long and frustrating process. Being patient and polite will help. Good luck.
Again, this post is something intended for the wiki / FAQ. I’ve never recovered an account, this is just secondhand knowledge based on seeing posts here and in discord regarding the process.
If anyone has corrections or additional tips, please make a top level comment on this post, and I can make any relevant changes. (I’ll be deleting this comment so please don’t reply to it directly.)
For IOS users, if you go into the app store -> click on your profile icon -> game center -> in game achievements -> clash of clans. From there you are able to roughly guesstimate when you started playing because it has the achievements with dates. I think the most useful are: rebuild clan castle, upgrade clan castle to level 2 achievement, destroy 10 walls, unlock archers, get 75 trophies, connect to game center, upgrade town hall to level 3, upgrade a gold storage to level 2. Just writing this because many people don’t know that it is there (I didn’t till like a month ago while trying to find enter in a gift card).