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That‘s awesome ! well done
You made some incredible progress!
What are your strategies?
Gold and promotional items?
Id love to be up there with you, currently at TH12 Hero grinding
Not even a gold pass? That seems really quick! But still an awesome accomplishment
Well done! All the hard-work paid off at last.
[Full screenshots (not the best quality sadly)](
how did you upgrade all the walls in the end i’m still a maxed th7 and I’m starting to get scared of the prices knowing it will cost millions later on
Good job bro. If you don’t mind me asking how do u spend league medals and what league is your clan in. Also lab do u think its a good idea to fully max lab or do u just upgrade troops with good long term use that u mainly use in war/farming
I was in a very similar situation, my Th12 was a lil worse than yours and my Th13 is now maxed, but I spent some money
Is it better to be th12 than th11
I’ve been th8 for 5 years. I play maybe once a year now.
Could you include the pass in the photo so we know ur f2p, i have gold pass and i made pretty simmilar progress
how did you farm that many gems in a year holy shit!
How did u get those gems Mr f2p? Lol jk* great work!
I see your gems and dark elixir! See you soon!
damn u only got like 130000 dark elixir in 2 years?
How did you make 2100 gems in one year? I understand the gem mine and clearing obstacles, but that seems like a lot for a year
Great job ! I recently became a TH 11 and will definitely take a screenshot once it’s January
how long did it take you to finish th11?
That’s great mate! Well done! I wanna know how many accounts you play. Do you manage to play multiple accounts or just single?
Bruh how did you do 4 years of lab in 2 years