Open Recruitment Thread!

Hello Reddit Clashers! It’s time for an Open Recruitment Thread. All clans, RCS or not are welcome to recruit within this post. This is the only place recruiting is allowed on this subreddit. Just a reminder though, you **are welcome** to recruit at any time at r/ClashofClansRecruit (max one post per clan per week). You can also view all [Verified Reddit Clans on this page](
Additional tips on recruiting can be [found here]( There’s also a recruiting channel in our [partnered discord](!

Format should be as follows:

* Clan Name: __________
* Clan Tag:
* Clan Level:
* Clan Entry Reqs: (TH9/ArchersLvl/etc)
* Additional info:

*Friendly reminder!* reddit automatically removes comments that contain compressed links as spam, be sure to include the full link in your post. If you’d like to use some pretty formatting you can find out more [here](

Similar Posts


  1. Brand new clan, looking for UK/US people to help get us started. Currently in another clan for CWL but will move my main (TH10) once its over. NO RUSHED

    * Clan Name: BowlerBomb
    * Clan Tag: #2P82LCRGG
    * Clan Level: 1 (I’m sure we’ll get it up in no time)
    * Clan Entry Reqs: Want at least TH9, preferably higher. Could also do with a high level to help out with donations and Siege Machines but I am currently rushing a new account to fill that role so there wont be as much pressure to donate
    * Additional info: Yeah, just looking for some competitive people who like warring/discussing attacks. Looking to create a chilled out atmosphere though with people who are happy to help with attacking strategies, base design etc. and if you have any questions feel free to message me or join clan and ask :).
    * Also joining now and sticking with it is an easy way to get Co. I’ll always appreciate my co-founders 🙂

  2. #ArmyOf9YearOlds 👽 AriX Alliance:

    Recruiting TH10+!

    👾 Level 9 clan

    👾 B2B wars

    👾 Warlog 88-19-3 (W/L/D) (>80% wins)

    👾 English speaking chatty clan

    What we do:

    ⭐ CWL – We run 2 CWL’s at once meaning everyone has a spot! Get those medals!

    ⭐ Crystal 2 for TH11+, Gold 3 for TH10-

    ⭐ Maxed clan games! We’ve reached 150k!

    ⭐ Maxed donos and plenty of siege donators

    ⭐ Minis welcome! **TH9- in Phoenix Reborn (#28VUPJRPU)**

    ⭐ Laid back culture. Clash is a game, not a job.

    ⭐ We have a clan website! Over 100 base links and attack guides at your disposal!


    Interested in joining? Apply in game saying you’re from Reddit, or DM me on Discord (Zera#6154)


    Clan tag – #20YLR2LUJ

    In game link – [](

    Discord Server – [](

    📷Clan website – [](

  3. # Dark Lord’s (#PL90YR)

    # RCS verified Clan | Level : 15

    # War Frequency : Back to Back

    # Clan War League – Masters 1

    # Clan Composition : Townhall 13 WAR players only.


    Dark Lord’s is a well organised RCS verified
    war clan that likes to WAR back to back and win. We are an extremely active clan that loves to chat and take war’s seriously.

    We are part of the Reddit Clan System. A group of about 50 clan’s of all flavours that has been around since 2012 and is always evolving. Being a member entitles our members to a variety of events and opportunities and to socialization with RCS community. You can learn more about RCS at (

    Our clan members are one big family who like to help each other whether it’s war planning or general help, we are always there for our fellow clan mates. We have some good organised leadership to shape every individual into a better war player.We expect you to use our clans DISCORD channel as it helps in planning your attacks and stepping up your game.

    We are a fair play clan and we have some rules which are to be obeyed by everyone in the clan (rules are posted in our discord under rules section).

    Our clans current composition is almost all th 13 players. We are happy to take those who are willing to put effort into the game and adapt themselves to the current META.

    Things you can expect from Dark Lord’s:

    Back to Back War’s – we are a WAR clan so we always do back to back wars.We try to win every war and we expect active participation in war’s from everyone.

    CWL for everyone – we have two clans (dark lords and Vikings) so everyone can participate in clan war league. We make a roster for both clans some days before CWL and post it in our discord.

    Events – being a proud member of RCS (Reddit Clan System) we participate in various events featured by r/clashofclans. Most of the event’s are fun and war driven so that everyone can have fun.

    Clan Games – we always complete 150% in clan games and their is no fixed minimum clan games requirement.

    A Green War log – Our war log reflects our clans performance as we have more than 300+ wins with a highest win streak of 15.

    Friendly Challenges – On joining our clan you can expect lot’s of friendly challenges which are always fun to do plus they give you an evaluation as a player and help you step up your game.

    Instant Donations – We are an international clan so there’s always someone to donate troops. Most of us use 1 gem donations to help a fellow clan mate.

    #Clan Requirements :

    The first and foremost rule of our clan is you gotta be ACTIVE and ALWAYS complete your war attacks while in war. We always check your game activity before taking you in. Minimum Clan donation is 1000 per season.

    We are currently accepting th13s only, should have a minimum heroes level of 65/65/25/5 at townhall 13 !

    Participation in weekly war’s is a MUST, we expect you to war at least 4 war’s/month. You must use both your attacks in war. We don’t war with heroes upgrading so if you’re upgrading your heroes OPT OUT in profile.

    We take war’s seriously and expect you will too. We are looking for players who will learn from mistakes yet have a fun time in the clan.

    # Why Dark Lord’s :

    You are a WAR player who likes to learn different strategies but doesn’t get any help.

    You are looking for a fun and friendly clan thay is serious about WAR.

    You want to take part in various events organised by RCS almost every month.

    You want a well organised clan that dictates it’s leadership well and encourages you as a player.

    In the end you’re a WAR oriented player that likes to win yet play in a fun & friendly clan where everyone is treated equally then Dark Lord’s is a good fit for you.

    We hope to hear from you soon !

    # How to Join?
    We do not accept any in-game requests, you have to come have a chat in our DISCORD server to know more, RCS password required.

    # Discord Link-

  4. 👉Name: Buffaloes
    👉Tag: #290J2VRJ
    👉Clan Level: 10
    👉Cwl League: Gold 3
    👉Members: 2/50
    👉Location: international
    👉Clan focus: Clan wars, donations ,trophy pushing

    🔸️B2b wars. With opt in & out
    🔸️Fast High Lvl Donations With siege
    🔸️friendly environment
    🔸️mature English speaking clashers only

    🔸️th7+ unrushed who are looking to war and donate often
    🔸️No rushed accounts unless it’s an alt

  5. ###Fed Up Of Dead Clans?

    ###Tired Of Seeing No One Online When You Are?

    ###Bored Of Seeing A Dead Chat Every Time You Log On?

    ###Hate Seeing The Same Old Electro Dragon Spam Attacks?

    Well look No Further… than the message below this!

    ##Magic Archers Is The Clan For You!

    🔥Accepting Near Max Th10+ Players Who Have At Least 30/30 Heroes 🔥

    🌍 We Are An International Clan, So We Have Members From All Around The World 🌍

    ⚔️ Semi-Competitive War Clan! We Love Doing Wars, Especially CWL ⚔️

    💬 Very Social Clan! We Talk To Each-Other About In-Game Events And Trending Topics A lot 💬

    ✅ Well Organised Clan! We Will Be Able To Inform You About Everything In-Clan Event That Is Happening ✅

    🛡We Use Discord A lot! And It Is Mandatory That You Join Our Discord Server To Stay In The Loop 🛡

    ⚠️ WE HATE ELECTRO DRAGON SPAM! ( Unless you are using it skilfully ) So If You Hate E Drag Spam We’re The Clan For You ⚠️

    ###What Can You Expect In The Clan?

    A Really Active Clan With Lots Of Kind Members!

    100% Attendance In All Wars And War League In Crystal 2!

    Max Clan Games Within The First 12 Hours!

    Some Solid War Attackers That Can Help You With Your Attacks!

    A Drama Free Clan That Will Improve Your Experience Of The Game!

    ###What Do We Expect From Our Members?

    We Expect Our Members To Be Active In Chat And An Active Attacker Of Course!

    We Expect You To Make Every War Day Unless You Have An Excuse!

    ##Where Are We Taking Applications?

    We Are Taking Applications Through Discord Only! As In-Game Recruiting Sucks!

    ###We Have A Feeder Clan For Th8-Low Th10 Called MA Elite!

    They Have The Same Values As Magic Archers And Is A Good Place For Lower Accounts. Like Magic Archers, They Only Accept Applications Through Discord!

    ###⚔️APPLY HERE ⚔️

    ###Join Our Subreddit! r/MagicArchers

    If You Have Any Questions To Ask, Send Me A DM Or Join Our Discord Server And Ask There!

    Thanks For Reading, Hope To See You Soon!

    Pot Noodles

  6. # Reddit Electrum | [#GVJ2RQC](

    About Our Clan:
    * Chill but competitive war clan (regular & CWL): **319 war wins under our belt, war 2x / week, MASTER I CWL**
    * We are a group of friendly, mature adults who hail from around the world and would welcome more amongst our ranks. Most of us either have families, full time jobs, or are students – or all three. We have quite a few members who are very social and active, but we understand that there are events in life that should take priority over Clash.
    * We would like to grow a bit and form some relationships with additional sister clans so that y’all can get your war fix if you can’t muster the troops, too.
    * We don’t expect anyone to attack like a pro, but want folks who are willing to practice and improve their attacks. We invest the time to coach and encourage each other to grow.
    * Half of us are TH13, ¼ are TH12 and the remaining ¼ are TH11 gearing up to TH12.
    * Farmers, Warriors, Pushers and Clan Gamers are encouraged to apply.
    * Clan Level: **17**

    Clan Entry Reqs:
    * Max TH11+, non-rushed
    * TH11 minimum hero level: **50/50/20**
    * No war timer when you apply;
    * Familiar with 3-star strategy, but no expertise required;
    * Be willing to participate in **clan games**
    * Be able to speak English and join our discord channel
    * Be willing to join the RCS discord
    * Loyal
    * Mature Attitude – but like, not that mature.

    **How to get in:** Contact either shuyun#2193 or Lunvhaux#4649 on [discord]( and apply with the **password which you can find on the** [**Reddit Clan System official page**](

    PS: if you’ve read this far, trust us, you’re a rare breed and your chance to join us has just rocketed to 50%.

  7. #[RECRUITING] Reddit Ace #8J8QJ2LV | Level 19 | 475 Wins | Champs2 | Th12+ | RCS Verified

    #Reddfit Ace

    ##Tag: #8J8QJ2LV

    ##Th12+ Level 19

    ##CWL in Champs for all interested, social, fun, semi casual wars

    ##RCS Verified

    ##Need an Ace up your sleeve to turn those pesky 2 star attacks into 3 stars? You’ve come to the right place!

    ##What We Offer You:

    * ⁠Fun, social clan both in game and in discord

    * ⁠Please join us in [discord!]( It is mandatory once you join the clan. You can also join our server and ask any questions you may have before joining the clan!


    * We war back to back around 9-10pm est. Mandatory to participate in at least 2 per month.

    * We do take war seriously in Ace. However, we also realize that no one is perfect. So always try your best, and try to learn as you progress. As long as you are trying no one will be kicked for a bad attack.

    * If you need help with your base or with planning an attack, all you have to do is ask. We are a team and we help each other out.


    * ⁠CWL opportunities for anyone that wants to be in. We are in champs in Ace and have an event clan in master for overflow.

    ##Clan Games:

    * There’s no minimum required as we max every time

    ##Access to the Reddit Clan System:

    * ⁠We are a verified Reddit Clan! This gives you full access to their discord server and events! Fun mixed wars, friendly challenge nights, trophy competitions, etc: all available to you by being part of Reddit Ace!

    * ⁠Access to other RCS clans. While many stay in Ace always, you’re free to come and go in Ace though we do appreciate if you say in chat where you’re going. Visiting other Reddit Clans is always allowed and you’re welcome to check them out to FC or try a war.


    * ⁠Must have the Reddit Clan Password to join. You can find it here: [password](

    * ⁠TH12+ only, not rushed. Your base and heroes should match your level.

    * ⁠Must have a league badge by the end of the first 5 days.

    * ⁠War at least 2x a month.

    * If you’re requesting, donate some as well. No formal requirement, but let’s all help each other

    * Be active in chat in game or discord or both. Be courteous!

    ##To Join:

    * Apply in game with the Reddit Clan System password. You need this to be accepted.

    * Chat and war information is via our discord channel, feel free to join our lobby and message us any questions you may have. The link can be found [here]( Any questions? Just ask!

    ## [In Game Link](

    ##Clan Tag: #8J8QJ2LV

  8. Are you wanting to join a **high level clan**, but you’re **tired of** filling out **applications** and joining **Discord**? Are you wanting something that’s a little more **laid-back** and **fun**? Join us at **Inferno Blitz** (TH11+) or **Bitter Rivals** (TH8+)!

    #**Inferno Blitz**

    – **Clan Tag:** #JCVULJGL
    – **Clan Level:** 15
    – **Clan War League:** Crystal II
    – **Clan Entry Reqs:**
    1. Town Hall 11+
    2. 1400+ trophies
    3. Must speak fluent English

    **About Inferno Blitz**: Inferno Blitz was started November 11, 2017. Our clan is full of experienced yet casual players that are just looking for a good time! We are a War and CWL focused clan for higher level players. Wars are declared back-to-back and we want you to join in on the fun (as long as your heroes aren’t upgrading, of course).

    **Inferno Blitz fun facts**

    – Our highest total in Clan Games was 138,750 points!

    – Highest Clan War League reached: Crystal I

    – We have Town Halls that range from TH13-TH10 with the majority being TH11

    # **Bitter Rivals**

    – **Clan Tag:** #8VCJRU9L
    – **Clan Level:** 10
    – **Clan War League:** Gold II
    – **Clan Entry Reqs:**
    1. Town Hall 8+
    2. 800+ trophies
    3. Must speak fluent English

    **About Bitter Rivals**: Bitter Rivals is our sister clan! It is open for lower Town Halls to be able to experience our great atmosphere and be able to participate in non-stop wars. We also encourage higher Town Halls that might find Inferno Blitz a little too rigorous to join here instead!

    **Bitter Rivals fun facts**

    – Our highest total in Clan Games was 121,175 points!

    – Highest Clan War League reached: Crystal III

    – We have Town Halls that range from TH13-TH6 with the majority being TH9 and TH10

    ### **Why should you join one of our clans?**

    – Max Clan Perks!

    – A friendly, relaxed environment to help you along the way

    – Max troops, spells, siege machines, and super troops

    – Max Clan Games

    – Advice for Main Village and Builder Base. We have a wide array of experience for both villages, so we can help you out!

    – Occasional friendly wars between sister clans, so you can try out new strategies

    – CWL exchange with our sister clan, so you can be included in a CWL alongside similar Town Hall levels

    ###**What do we need from you?**

    – Earn at least 500 points (Bitter Rivals) or 1000 points (Inferno Blitz) every Clan Games

    – Use both attacks in war

    – And that’s all! The important thing is to just stay active and participate in the clan

    Do these sound like the type of clans you want to join? Great! All you have to do is tell us that you’re from Reddit when joining.

  9. #Reddit Zulu (#2Y28CGP8)

    #Clan Level: 21

    Lots of 11s and 12s and many, many 13s! **We do have open spots!**

    If you are looking for a clan that takes Wars seriously, loves active players, loves to socialize, is happy to help you learn, and is ACTIVE, read below, then apply [here]( and join our [discord](

    ##Currently signing up th13s to play in FWL Season 8

    We act like family and if you join, we want you to feel like part of the family too! We are an international clan with both men and women. We do not have an age limit: we only require that you respect everyone.

    We care about war and want you to as well. Our rules are summarized below, but you can find them in detail [here]( We also have additional [rules for war]( – we do expect you to use discord, learn and use strategies, call your attacks, and follow the instructions to help us win!


    #Here are some of the things you can expect from being in Zulu:

    * **Clan War League:** We intend to take the new feature seriously and try for rewards and good wars every time! [Our first try got us promoted with the best to Champs 3](! In an effort to let everyone play we split up 12s in one clan and non max 12s and 11s in another (we have a second level 10+ clan for this purpose!) to let everyone have competive wars with fair competition at their level.

    * **Lots of wars and large weekend wars!** In addition to our optional wars during the week, everyone wars on the weekends. That means big 50v50 or 40v40 wars every weekend!

    * **Event access:** Zulu participants in nearly all RCS Events and Events featured by /r/ClashofClans! As a member of Zulu you are eligible to join anything the RCS offers.

    * **Clan Games:** Have maxed all clan games with days to spare! No minimum required…we are active enough, we haven’t needed to institute one 🙂

    * **Competitive Arranged Wars:** Participated in the [Reddit War Tournament]( Seasons 1, 2, and 3! Also participated in the Guts & Glory War League all th11 bracket until the th12 update hit mid season.

    * **Pushing two times a year:** Twice a year, we take time to compete in the RCS trophy push and we tend to do exceptionally well! Winners of 5 of the last 7, the others we placed 2nd.

    * **Clan Perks:** Clan Level 19! Two level upgrade to troop donations (all troops max or near max!) and all the other perks too!

    * **Lots of wins:** 400+ wins and Counting out of about 600 wars!

    * **Good donations:** Troop donates are fast and furious! With >60% townhall 12 and 13s you’ll pretty much always have siege machines as well!

    * **Media and features:** We have several members who have been highly featured by the game and are active in the community. We have had players in livestreams in Finland, players that do podcasts and streaming, and players that serve as reddit moderators!

    * **Membership in the RCS:** Zulu is one of the oldest clans in the Reddit Clan System (a group of over 60 clans) and on Reddit. Founded over 6 years ago!


    #Clan Requirements:

    • First, and foremost, **you must be active.** We expect you to be making all war attacks for any war you’re in, to make **minimum donates of 300/week** and to be either actively raiding, upgrading or warring. *We will use the activity in your profile to determine if you’ll be offered a spot in the clan.*

    • Related to the first point: **no rushed bases.** Everyone must meet the following:

    * Everyone: Offense should be appropriate for your level and developed such that you have a reasonable chance to 3 star your own base.
    * Th11: we hope to see no less than 35/35 for hero levels plus a warden, 40/40/5 strongly desired. Must have an Eagle Artillery.
    * Th12: level 20+ warden, royals 50/50+, approaching max 11 lab/defenses.
    * Th13: 60/60/40 or more required

    • **You must be available to participate in the mandatory weekend wars (declared Fridays).** We war 3 times a week. Wars are declared Monday and Wednesday at 8 pm Eastern Time and Friday at 9 pm. Participation for the mid-week wars (declared Monday and Wednesday) is optional and members can opt-in or -out of the midweek wars. *You must use both attacks for any war in which are you participating!*

    • **We take wars seriously, and we expect you will too.** You don’t have to be the world’s best player or three star all the time: what we do require is that you try your best. We do use an external website for calling bases and have [additional war rules]( We ask that you opt out of weekday wars is your queen or more than one other hero is upgrading.

    • We are a social clan at heart! We don’t have strict social expectations, but it doesn’t hurt to hop into game chat once in a while to say hi to your fellow clan friends. **Discord is required**

    Th11s will be asked to attack in the first 20 hours of each war as we intend to make sure everything below th12 is 3 starred!


    #How to Join:

    • Please note that we do require each prospective member fill out an application and join our discord while waiting for a response. You can find the information on how to apply, as well as the application itself by going to

    • More information can be found on our sub /r/RedditZuluCOC or by joining our discord:

  10. #Reddit Tango

    ##Tag: PJUQVRC





    **It might take two to** [**Tango**](**, but we have a dance for the whole clan! Reddit Tango is looking for you! |** [**#PJUQVRC**](

    Climb aboard your Podracer or your Tauntaun and speed on down to the Tango planet to collect your bounty or practice your lightsaber, because if you’re looking for a fun clan with a spunky attitude, we might be looking for you too!

    Why the Star Wars references? Who knows, but we like them and you’ll see them a lot here. You’ll also find mostly adults, good friends, and good humor.

    We do have rules we expect you to follow, but we also understand that real life happens and will work with you if your issues aren’t like your normal awesome self as we all have our moments! That said we promote teamwork and as part of a fantastic rebel enclave, we want you to give us your best and always be helping us fight back against the Dark Side! (Plus, we ALSO have cookies… [better ones](!) And a discord channel where you can show them off 🙂


    # Offer you, what do we?

    * **Friendly, community-focused environment – we’re all working adults, we understand life can be hectic**
    * **Friendly in game chat and clan discord!**
    * **Stability & maturity with a fine blend of social, farming and serious war.**
    * **We aim to provide a supportive environment as we push to learn new strategies together**
    * **RCS verified means weekly and monthly events available through the wider Reddit Clan System, all of which you’re welcome to join!**
    * **Large RCS group discord: optional, but great if you’re looking for lots of people to chat with!**
    * **Monthly scCWL is in Masters 3!**
    * **Monthly events within Tango to drive participation and activity**
    * **Predominantly USA based but we have members from all-over such as Canada & Russia!**
    * **Wars are M/W/F at 8:30pm EST**


    # Accepting TH10+

    * **Heroes: 30/30+ min for 10s**
    * **Non rushed, all townhall levels**
    * **We have plenty of TH12s and 13s and all donates get +2, so request away! (Just try to keep a fair ratio)**

    ## Seeking we are:

    * **War & Community focused players who want to improve**
    * **Friendly folks who chat in game & discord**
    * **Stay active and develop your base in a sensical way so we can take you to war (no rushing)**
    * **Competitive warriors who play daily and want to try new strategies**


    # To stay with us, these things you must:

    * **500 minimum donations per season**
    * **Monthly mandatory war before CWL, heroes up for war & use both attacks!**
    * **Be prepared to kick ass and have fun**
    * **Discord required:**[ ****](
    * **Password Required to join:**[ ****](


  11. Ball Eaters #2YOQVOUJP

    Clan Level 2

    Must be active and participate in clan wars

    We are a beginning, friendly clan and we just want to have enough people to do big clan wars.

  12. Clan Name: Secret Tunnel

    *Clan Tag: #2YYYQL8VL

    *Clan Level: 2

    *Clan Entry Reqs: Minimum TH6 Maximum TH8

    *Additional info: small-ish clan (15 members, about 10 active) created a month ago looking to expand to further participate in clan games and clan war league. a group of relaxed clash players who played a while ago and are now getting back into it. wars are pretty common usually 2-3 times a week, looking for any type of player, good or bad at attacking, as long as they are willing to learn and active. TH requirements are not set in stone but preferences as we do have a couple lower TH’s and a some higher ones as well.

  13. Clan Name: Dragon Warriors!

    Clan Tag: 9Y892L0Q

    Clan Level: 14

    Clan Entry: Minimum TH12, no rushed bases.

    We have a Discord server:

    Not a requirement to join! But you can join if you’d like.

    Hello! English speaking clan and I’d like to believe we’re a close knit crew. Many of our members have developed friendships over the year as well. We have a bunch of 12s and 13s, some 11s and lower too. We are a very active clan and your can always count on someone to be online to give donations, usually max too. In our Discord, we have a variety of channels designed to elicit exquisite conversations. (Mowing the lawn? Threw out your back writing a haiku? Discovered the meaning of life? We want to know)

    Don’t take ourselves too seriously, curse a lot, and just try to enjoy the game. We’d like to participate in wars more often than we’ve been doing, and we participate in CWL(currently Crystal Level 1).

    The clan ID is #9Y892L0Q. Would love to have you on board. Can add me (Beeps) as well #L2PLUVLJU

  14. * Clan Name: Ancient Wisdom
    * Level: 19
    * Clan Tag: #2QJ9JJ2J
    * Clan Entry Reqs: TH 10+ ( Strong Hero Levels)
    * Additional info: Level 19! Longest win streak 33, 500+ Total Wins.
    * Monthly gem giveaways
    Mature clan. We ALWAYS max out clan games. Winning CWL record currently Masters 2. We enjoy helping each other get better and winning. For more info message me or chat with me to join

  15. *Clan name: War Snipers 2.7

    * Clan Tag: #PU9PLQJ2

    * Clan Level: 24

    * Clan Type: Farming/farm wars / FWA farm war alliance

    * Clan Games: Mandatory


    * Clan Entry Reqs: An active TH10 / TH11 / TH12 / TH13 with min troop lvls of Gaint lvl 7+, Wiz lvl 7+ and Loons lvl 6+, 2 X-Bows down on your base & understand the concept of war farming.


    * Additional info: Established March 30th 2015 our members are from all over the world and active. We use the concept of War farming with a group of 700+ clans like us in the FWA. If you want war loot without the effort of real war – look no further. More info on War Farming on /r/WarSnipersClash.


    **Having Discord is required to being a member**


    * Clan Games requirements: All of our family of clans participates in clan games. Every member is required to maintain minimum points per game and this amount is decided when each clan games starts. We always reach top-tier prizes due to full clan participation.


    #Must apply via Discord



    ****When applying please have your FWA approved base and Clash Profile screenshot ready****

  16. ### False Notoriety #2902R8JOV 🔱 | Dark Crusaders Alliance

    #### ACTIVE Lv9 Clan | TH 10+ | War + Farm + Laughs | Crystal llI CWL

    Welcome to False Notoriety, a clan within the Dark Crusaders Alliance!

    About us…

    • English speaking based in USA,UK & CAN.

    • Mature players🍻.

    • Max Clan Games💯.

    • Long standing and experienced players💪🏻.

    • CWL Participation🤝.

    • Experienced leadership with designs on excellence🔱.

    • Active and friendly✅.

    • Friendly & excellent Discord Server with lots of commands💭.

    • Excellent donations🤲🏻.

    About you…

    • Friendly and Active is a must✅.

    • Not rushed❌.

    • Always use attacks in War and follow Instructions⚔.

    • Join our Discord Server, this is mandatory💭.

    We are looking for friendly Clashers to come and join False Notoriety and build a clan not to be reckoned with. We are primarily looking for TH10 and up, but will consider TH9s on a case by case basis. Promotion here is not free, it is earned by hard work and determination. This is necessary if you want to step up and take on the responsibility of higher roles in our clan.

    If you feel like this is the clan for you, please [join our server]( and tag @coleader. Thanks!

  17. Id tag : Loq9go8y
    Name five star
    Clan level 11
    Th 9+

    I have quit coc and rejoined after ages, started clan back it is on level 11 i am looking for active players members.
    If you are interested please join want to revive my clan. Thanks!

    P.s. i am not an enthusiastic. Just an average player who plays coc to blow steam.

  18. The Beyonders #UP8V8CV0
    Level 16
    Looking for TH11+

    Join a well-run, active, longstanding adult run group!

    *generally 5-10 people online in wide variety of time zones

    *Max Clan Games

    *B2B war

    *Organized, fair system for CWL (30v30)

    *Good donations

    *Strategy channel in active Discord + in-game knowledge exchange

    *Discord for optimal communication Contact us this way to join the fun!

  19. [Recruiting] Creative Minds | townhall 9+ | Clan level 3 | Adults Only | War/ Farming/ Clan War Leauge/ Clan Games | Independent |


    Trying to rebuild an old clan from highschool
    Only rules are to be active, participate, and donate.
    We are super chill and don’t really get offended by much.

    We had to kick a bunch of in-actives so if you join please just be as active as possible, or let us know when your going to be away for a while so we can take you out of wars and such.

    Have a good one!!

  20. [Recruiting] The Bussers | TH 8+ | Clan level 1 | War Clan looking for a couple more members for CLW (have ~12) | Independent | Tag #2YGCR2URR

  21. Hello Clashers!

    Welcome to UnrivalledSquad
    A fairplay war clan
    Looking for members for CWL

    What we offer:
    🎉Max Clan Games
    🎉Max Donations
    🎉Active Chat and Members
    🎉A Friendly Environment, yet Competitive
    🎉Strategic War Plans

    What we are looking for:
    🎉Active Players
    🎉Good War Players

    We’re hoping to continue to CRUSH each war and to push to our max.

    I hope you will join our clan #2YY8RVPCJ

  22. Mortal


    Th7 required

    Clan level 1

    You need 1200 throphies we will be doing daily war and will always participate in cwl need some pioneers of the clan we are hoping for players to be active daily and donate troops there is only 1 player in the clan

  23. # Heros of War | [#G8GP8LRY]( | Level 17 | Masters III

    Clan Entry Reqs: TH10+ preferably 11 or 12 or 13. Rushed is okay, but taken on a case-by-case basis. We’re running out of spots, so we may be picky with who we take.

    Additional Information: Need **active players** who **do not miss war attacks** and participate in **Clan Games**. **Non-stop back-to-back wars** all the time. Always be aware of your on/off (green/red) clan war preferences. We were recently promoted to Masters 3 in CWL. Be familiar with three star/triple strategies and overall war attack strategies.

    No donation requirements.

    |Elder|500 donations|

    Mention “warlords” in your join message.

  24. – req n go

    – #2Y2Y299R0

    – lv5

    – (th8/Dragon/lv2)

    we are looking for active members we are happy to donate,were friendly and do wars we super active and donate more than receive 🙂


  25. Going to keep it simple for you all…

    * Clan Name: Hall Breakers
    * Clan Tag: #GYY08QU0
    * Clan Level: 4
    * Clan Entry Reqs: Minimum TH9 with at least level 15 barbarian king and archer queen. No rushed bases.
    * Additional info: We are competitive yet relaxed. We know life takes over and things come up so there is no need to have this game add stress to your life. We are just looking to add a couple of extra players so that we can participate in clan war leagues and max out clan games! If you are interested please let us know you saw this thread upon request!


  26. 🔥Welcome to the Pizza warriors!🔥

    Overall just a chill clan looking for new active members but be sure to be nice and donate to other members. Also participate in CW and Clan Games and most importantly have fun!🍕

    We got:

    Active leader and co’s that are all TH11 – TH13

    All kinds of members from working adults to teens, some are busy but when we got time to be online we like chatting🍕

    Extra info:

    Try using both your attacks in war and everyone helps with clan games

    Donate 250 for elder per season

    Co-leader is earned over time

    Clan link:

  27. * Reddit Alpha

    * JYVRY0L

    * Clan Level 21/Masters I CWL – 578 wins | TH 10+ | Warring/Farming | Verified


    Reddit Alpha is an adults only clan which currently has spots open. Our members hail from all parts of the world, there is always someone on. We war on a regular schedule three times a week starting at 3pm EST. Mon/Wed/Fri and our donation minimum is 800/monthly cycle.


    We’re a somewhat casual clan (with a very green war record,) a big part of the draw for many in our clan is the social aspect. We don’t live chat our attacks but we do stay on top of our war game, we live between those clans where no one shows up to war and where anyone who misses their six pack gets booted.


    Like Clan Games? We’ve never missed a single reward. We’ve topped out at over 100k on the big ones and that’s without any min. point requirement in our clan.


    We run a 15 man CWL for Th13s in our main clan and a mini CWL for those interested in our level 10 sister clan Alpha Corps.


    We encourage participation in Discord to hang out and discuss war strats. We do ask that members be opted into war whenever life and hero upgrades aren’t in the way. What we won’t tolerate is being opted in and failing to use both attacks, even in a losing situation. Such players are left out of future wars or removed from the clan.


    Would you like to know more? Come say hello/ask questions on our Discord – [](


    Apply in game. You’ll need your real life age (Not your TH level) and the official Reddit password, found here – [](

  28. #[Recruiting] DragonDefenders – New clan seeking loyal members to help grow

    **Clan Name:** DragonDefenders

    **Clan Tag:** #2P2YJLQLJ

    **Clan Level:** 2

    **Clan Entry Reqs:** TH6+ | Must be English speaking.

    **Additional info:** We’re a new clan, but the core base has been together since 2013.

    If you’re interested in helping build a clan from the ground up, with supporting and chilled out clan mates, this is the place for you.

    We don’t have many requirements; you just have to be TH6+, and speak English.

    We’re also on discord, feel free to join once you’re a member!

  29. #💰❤😍 Retired 7XX Clans – Quit CoC here with us 💰❤😍

    – Clan Name: **Retired 706, Retired 707, etc**
    – Clan Tag: **#CUUC09L0, #22LLJUC9J, etc**
    – Clan Entry Reqs: **wanting to retire/vacation from war or don’t care about wars, and willing to make an easy war base**


    **Additional Info**

    The Retired 70X family of clans are setup for inactive players who have quit CoC, are taking a vacation/break, or just want to be in a clan that does not ever try to win a war. We make easy war bases and give lucky enemy’s the win every war. Here’s how it works:

    1. Retired/vacationing accounts are parked in the clan. All members get co-leader so they can help start wars if they wish
    2. Everyone makes an easy war base, set clan war preference to “opt into” clan wars.
    3. War attacks are not required, but do whatever you want
    4. No requirement to put troops in the CC’s
    5. Every ~48 hours someone from the clan drops in to start the war (most clan members do nothing though)
    6. The enemy gets a fun free war to attack a clan full of easy bases for free loot/stars/XP. They can easily load up on XP & stars by 3-starring every one of our bases, or concentrate on attacked our top 2 over and over for max loot

    Our goal is to fill 5-10+ clans full of retired/afk players with easy war bases. Each clan should at a minimum have at least 2 high-level TH11/TH12 bases so that opponent clans can attack them over and over for max loot, and then a mix of players at various TH levels with as many easy war bases as possible.

    Some clans are very dead while others have a good number of active players that donate and consistently complete clan games (see table below).


    **Current Status & War Logs for Each Clan**

    Retired 701|#YQUGYRLL|L7|2|4|[Over 550](|No|No|
    Retired 702|#YYJQ9JL2|L9|5|7|[Over 285](|No|No|
    Retired 703|#2000R8092|L6|6|2|[Over 190](|No|No|
    Retired 704|#VULLULVV|L10|5|19|[Over 225](|Yes|Yes|
    Retired 705|#CUUC09L0|L5|1|1|[Over 185](|No|No|
    Retired 706|#UUL2Y2CJ|L5|6|4|[Over 130](|No|No|
    Retired 707|#22LLJUC9J|L8|8|6|[Over 140](|Yes|Sometimes|

    That’s a total of **over 1100 free wars sofar** where opponents had an opportunity to receive extremely lucrative free war loot & XP. Bookmark us if you’re not ready to quit CoC yet, or come join right now and help us give out thousands of free wars! 💰 💸 💵 💲



  30. We need some more homies for our clan. Hmu or just join:




    Reqs: Be a homie

    Join our clan homies

  31. Mercury
    Created 08.03.2020, seeking active Co-Leaders. No current requirements to join.

  32. Rebel Elite 3 #9GYGCLPV LvL 17 We are actively recruiting non-rushed TH13s. Casual, chatty, global, mostly adult clan that likes to war. Come for the free beer, stay for the good times.

  33. Clan Name: Stormaggedon

    Clan Tag: #PUQJP0GQJ

    Clan Level: 1

    Clan Entry Requirements: Just a willingness to help start up a really solid clan

    Additional Info: I am sick of drama-filled toxic clans. Bullying won’t be tolerated. We will be active in wars, CWL and clan games. Rushed bases are fine as long as you are active and have a good attitude. It will take a bit of time but we can create a solid clan that will move up the ranks quickly, we just need the right people in it from the start!

    level 14 clan
    min TH8
    International clan but mainly english speaking
    clan war and cwl
    50k clan games every month

  35. Clan name: V3NOM
    Clan tag: #2V22R8VG9
    Clan level: 1
    Requirements: Looking for at least a strong TH7 or higher. It’s a fairly new clan and we are having trouble with not having active members. We want to do more clan wars but need more players.

  36. Dark Warriors


    Level 1 (I just made the clan a few days ago)

    No entries! This is a new user to max friendly clan! Everyone is welcome to participate in wars/etc!

    We have not done a war yet. The people in my clan consist of IRL friends, but I am looking to expand my clan with new members! I would love to start wars as soon as possible with active people. I am normally on every day and donations are active whenever someone is online! Friendly chat and little to no cursing! I would say it is teen friendly! At 15 active members, I will make a discord for the clan!

  37. Clan name: Bronze Gnomes

    Clan tag: 28V9UJYV8

    Clan Level: Level 2

    Clan entry Reqs: Non-rushed Th5+

    Additional Info: We are a new and casual clan that wars quite often. We have a pretty good war log and we are active. We are also very kind to new players as we love to teach. If you’re a newbie, don’t worry, We’ll help you! We donate troops whenever we can, and We’ll see you there!

  38. Clan Name: DedsecMarauders
    Clan Tag: #JPU829R2
    War Frequency: Always!!
    Looking for some TH10’s and Up that are up for wars and Donating! Pretty laid back clan overall!

  39. Hello Clashers!

    Welcome to UnrivalledSquad
    A fairplay war clan
    Looking for members for CWL

    What we offer:
    🎉Max Clan Games
    🎉Max Donations
    🎉Active Chat and Members
    🎉A Friendly Environment, yet Competitive
    🎉Strategic War Plans

    What we are looking for:
    🎉Active Players
    🎉Good War Players

    We’re hoping to continue to CRUSH each war and to push to our max.

    I hope you will join our clan #2YY8RVPCJ

  40. * Clan Name: HighPerformance
    * Clan Tag: #8G8G8JVU
    * Clan Level: 19
    * War 3x a week and are looking for more people for bigger wars. Th9+ preferred for regular wars and Th12+ for CWL
    * Willing to teach players and help them get better at war attacks
    * We have a discord but it’s not mandatory
    * We max clan games every time and have 544+ war wins
    * Just looking for more active players
    * *Please put “reddit” when you try to join the clan and you will be accepted*

  41. ***Heroes of Old | #20GYV00C | Lvl 12 war 3x/week clan***

    **Only accepting TH12-TH13 at this time. 5 spots available.”
    **About us**

    Heroes of Old was created in an effort to bring a collective group of differing individuals together, to enjoy a small part of life. We understand that, and fully expect, life takes priority. However, we ask to enjoy a small part of that life with you, be friendly, open and have meaningful conversation, so we can all grow from one another and use clash as a way to better our communities as we wage through this difficult time of life!

    **What we offer:**
    * Max Clan games
    * Optional Daily Wars
    * Mandatory Weekend war (search begins Friday @ 11 pm EST)
    * Active discord server, with bots used to assist in communication.
    * Max level troops and siege machines, extremely active donations.
    * Praise, encouragement, and motivation in regard to attacks in war.
    * Plenty of leadership opportunities. (architects, generals, recruiters, etc.)

    **What we expect:**

    * Active discord use is required.
    * Weekend clan-wide war has specific rules, (see welcome channel in discord).
    * Lower 1/3 of members must use both attacks in the first 12 hours of war, first attack is to be used on mirror, second attack on cleanup.
    * Minimum of 100 donations per cycle.
    * Minimum of 2000 clan games score.

    Just comment “from Reddit”in your request to join, you can also join our discord and apply that way!

    Discord server:

    See you soon! Odin.

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