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  1. Depends, if you play on a. regular basis yes, you’ll get tons of advantages that are really helpful like 1 gem dono, reduced training/builder/lab time and costs as well as a bunch of magic items + a skin (which is optionnal to me but matter a lot to other players) if you’re only logging in every few days and collect your mines and attack once or twice i don’t think it’s worth it

  2. It’s the most worth it offer in the game. For 5$ you get 1 gem donations, 20% off of everything, 25 million gold/elixir, 250K dark elixir. That alone is worth 5$. You add 5 runes of gold/elixir/dark/bb gold/bb elixir to the mix, each worth 1.5K gems(15$) and dark elixir rune worth 3K gems(30$). For 5$ you literally get 100$+ worth of magic items and a skin which I consider a bonus. For 5 bucks a month, instead of going to the local bar and getting myself a drink I can get the pass which is totally worth it.

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