What if after upgrading to th14, there weren’t any new defenses but instead you could choose one of the four sides of the map and change it into a barrier. Walls would be able to connect to it, and you wouldn’t be able to place troops on it or outside of it. Defensive capabilities would be significantly increased, and you could still upgrade your troops higher without unbalancing attacking/defending. You could still upgrade your defenses a level higher too, but this idea would mean saved space because no new defenses are being added. It would also make the game interesting at higher town halls as it would revolutionize base building and new ideas could be incorperated.

Another way I could see this being integrated is that after you upgrade to th14, you can upgrade 40 or so walls (about the length of one side of the total base) to a higher level which gives them a slight boost in hp, but can also be placed outside of the normal buildable area. When they are placed outside, they automatically become a 3 wide barricade and troops can not be placed on/outside of it. Overall this is a pretty interesting concept that I think could be implemented to help save space with the next town hall, and keep interest in the game at that level. Thoughts?

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